45north, in partnership with the International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, analyzed Romanian language social media data from Facebook, Twitter and Telegram for the second half of 2022, data associated with the war in Ukraine. You can find the full report above, including the methodology applied to the analysis.
45north, in partnership with the International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, analyzed Romanian language social media data from Facebook, Twitter and Telegram for the first six months of 2022, data associated with the war in Ukraine. You can find the full report above, including the methodology applied to the analysis.
Jonáš Syrovátka
March 2023
January 2023
Kristína Šefčíková, Prague Security Studies Institute
January 2023
Tatiana Mindeková, EUROPEUM
January 2023
Michaela Ružičková & Monika Jakábová, Infosecurity.sk